SRT for the Low Back and Pelvis
14 or 16 Continuing Education Hours (2 days)
Low back pain is this country’s most common and complex patient symptom. In this 2-day class, we will have the time to assess, measure, and feel the structures of the pelvis and understand its relationship with the rest of the body. Taya makes the structures of the pelvis easy to understand and explains how the pelvis really functions. She also shares her SRT treatments to change the culprit muscles that influence the symptoms of the low back. Using SRT, you will learn to understand and treat scoliosis, sciatica, upper hamstring and low back pain.
In this hands-on class, you will learn to:
- Understand the activities which lead to symptoms including Taya’s view of the true function of the muscles involved. Recognize the symptoms that patients present.
- Assess the ROM and structure of each area.
- Palpate the involuntary muscle contracture to locate the SRT Tender Points.
- Discern the possible positions to decrease the pain of the SRT Tender Points.
- Feel the release of the involuntary muscle contraction and the increase in ROM in the area.
- Participate as the therapist and as a patient to enhance your learning experience.
- Release fascia quickly using Taya’s gentle tissue techniques.
- Use and integrate a new tool that will gently decrease pain and increase ROM.
- Understand the body from a new perspective and think “outside the box.”
“This is the class for:”
Chronically tight and/or tender upper hamstrings and/or it “hurts to sit.”
Pain in the gluteal area.
Pain in the sacrum and/or low back.
General pain that can not be touched.
General leg pain and/or leg cramps.
Pain of the tailbone especially when sitting.
Lying on their back with legs straight hurts.
Lying on their stomach hurts.
Standing/walking with a forward bend.
Groin pain.