Introduction to SRT

3 or 4 Continuing Education Hours

This 3 or 4-hour class introducing you to the principles of SRT includes content taken directly from the SRT for the Shoulder, Arm, & Hand and Neck classes. Since many massage therapists have symptoms in these areas of their body, it is a great class to personally experience the relief of SRT from the in-class treatment. You will gain a gentle and effective tool you can use immediately in your practice.

In this hands-on class, you will learn to:

  • Understand the activities which lead to symptoms including Taya’s view of the true function of the muscles involved.
  • Recognize the symptoms that patients present.
  • Assess the ROM and structure of each area.
  • Palpate the involuntary muscle contracture to locate the SRT Tender Points.
  • Discern the possible positions to decrease the pain of the SRT Tender Points.
  • Feel the release of the involuntary muscle contraction and the increase in ROM in the area.
  • Participate as the therapist and as a patient to enhance your learning experience.
  • Release fascia quickly using Taya’s gentle tissue techniques.
  • Use and integrate a new tool that will gently decrease pain and increase ROM.
  • Understand the body from a new perspective and think “outside the box.”

Structural Relief Therapy is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider #450706-08, the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia, Canada for cycle 7 accreditation, and the Florida Board of Massage Therapy as CE Provider #50-11200.

Click here to view schedules, locations and register


“This is the class for:”

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms: Pain in wrist, hand, and/or forearm, numbness in hand and/or fingers, aching, inflammation and/or heat, burning, tingling, decreased grip strength making it difficult to grasp small objects or coffee mug.
    • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Symptoms: Pain and/or tenderness, abnormal burning or prickling sensation, sensory loss, weakness down the arm and/or in the shoulder.
    • Frozen Shoulder Symptoms: Limited ROM, pain working overhead, post-mastectomy.
    • Rotator Cuff Tear Symptoms: Pain when lying on the shoulder, pain reaching behind (into the back seat).